How To Turn Alarm Clock Into A Positive Trigger For Your Brain

By Benjamin Hardy You can wake up first thing in the morning with excitement. You can hear that alarm, get up, and your mind is...

Leonardo da Vinci: How to See the World Like Nobody Else

By : Zat Rana In late 2017, Salvator Mundi, one of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, sold for $450.3 million. For a child born out of wedlock in the...

Why Even Ambitious People Rarely Become Successful

By Benjamin P. Hardy Success is not extrinsic. It’s not measurable. “Success” can only truly occur internally, because it is based on emotion. At the most basic level, success if...

4 years ago I should have died

Author by: Sehyun Kim 4 years ago I should have died. 4 years ago I could barely get myself out of bed and I was coughing up...

This Simple Truth Will Change How You Make Decisions Forever

By Matt Russell When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. — Roy E. Disney Have you ever set your alarm clock for the morning only to...

11 Ideas That Will Rewire Your Brain

The term rewiring your brain has become a psychological revolution in recent times. We now know that you can literally rewire your brain by...

How Deutsche Bank became from a Hero to Zero

By Murray Gunn An European icon’s fall from grace is almost complete. On November 29, 170 police officers and tax investigators raided Deutsche Bank's head office...

Never Stop Asking Why History Matters

Author: US Holocaust Museum The world has changed momentously in the 25 years since the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum opened its doors. Globalization and the...

The Unseen Billy Graham.

Upside down, spine facing the ground, tucked up under my arm, front-side facing my armpit. It took some work, but I carried Billy Graham with...

This 10-Minute Routine Will Increase Your Clarity And Creativity

By Benjamin Hardy “Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake, and while you sleep.” — Napoleon Hill Your subconscious never rests and is always on...

Three Ways to Stay Positive When Life is Getting You Down

By Kayt Molina You’ll fail, make mistakes, or even blow up your life. Here’s three tips on building resilience when everything is against you. was convinced I destroyed...

The Power of Decision

Author: Anthony Vicino “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu For a long time I thought I understood this quote. It’s so...
mental health & wellness among youth

Meet A 17-year Old Creating Mental Health Awareness In India’s Youth

By Kaberi Gogoi With rising unemployment, declining incomes, and increasing issues of domestic violence in families, there has been a steady rise in mental health...

The Secret To Becoming an Annoyingly Productive Early Morning Person

Author: Nick Wignall 3 reasons why a boring evening routine is essential to a productive morning. I’ve been accused on several occasions of being “one of those...

Four Quotes That Will Make You Take Your Life More Seriously

By Benjamin Hardy The four quotes I’m going to share with you are from two pretty intense people. The first is Viktor Frankl, who survived...

Everything is broken. What now?

Author: mike fettis It’s broken and its your fault! It’s broken and it’s always been that way It’s broken and lets fix it There are many problems happening in...