Rejection Proof: Why It Pays To Get Battle Hardened For Entrepreneurs


From getting rejected by prpspective clients, customers and even potential candidates, to an entrepreneur’s chest is often full of wounds, which he or she seldom show to the world. Most entrepreneurs get battle hardened over time, and develop a strategy to cope or deal with daily faiulres and rejections, through their own therapeutic means.

Some employ mentors, others seek refuge in associations, journalling or sharing their failures with trusted colleagues and employers. In “Rejection Proof” Ted speaker, entrepreneur and blogger, Jia Jiang shares his personal story of overcoming his fear of rejection and offers practical tips and techniques for others to do the same.

Jiang was an entrepreneur who had always been able to achieve his goals with ease, but his confidence was shaken when he was rejected for a business idea he was passionate about. This rejection caused him to become fearful of being rejected in the future and he found it difficult to pursue his dreams.

To help overcome this fear, Jiang developed a set of “rejection therapy” exercises designed to desensitize him to the experience of rejection. These exercises involved making outrageous requests of people in various settings and observing their reactions. For example, he asked a stranger if he could borrow $100, asked a security guard if he could take a tour of a secure area, and asked a restaurant if they would make him a customized menu item. Through these exercises, Jiang learned that the majority of people did not reject him outright, and even when they did, the consequences were not as severe as he had feared.

Jiang also explores the psychological reasons behind why people fear rejection and offers advice for how to reframe one’s thinking about rejection in order to better cope with it. He encourages readers to view rejection as a necessary part of the process of achieving their goals, rather than letting it hold them back. By embracing rejection and using it as an opportunity for learning and growth, individuals can develop a growth mindset and become more resilient in the face of failure.

Throughout the book, Jiang includes anecdotes and examples from his own experiences as well as those of others who have successfully overcome their fear of rejection. He also provides practical tips and techniques for dealing with rejection, such as setting small goals and focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

In conclusion, “Rejection Proof” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to overcome their fear of rejection and become more resilient in the face of failure. By sharing his personal story and offering practical advice and techniques, Jiang provides a roadmap for readers to follow in order to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life.

Key takeaways from Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection

    1. Rejection is a normal and inevitable part of life. It is important to accept that rejection is a natural part of the process of achieving one’s goals.
    2. Fear of rejection is often irrational and stems from negative thinking. By reframing one’s thinking about rejection and viewing it as a learning opportunity, it is possible to overcome this fear.
    3. Rejection therapy exercises can help desensitize oneself to the experience of rejection. These exercises involve making outrageous requests of people in various settings and observing their reactions.
    4. Setting small goals and focusing on the process rather than the outcome can help make rejection feel less daunting.
    5. It is important to have a growth mindset and view rejection as an opportunity for learning and growth, rather than letting it hold you back.
    6. It is important to remember that rejection is not personal and does not reflect your worth as a person.
    7. By embracing rejection and using it as a learning opportunity, you can become more resilient in the face of failure.
    8. It is important to have a support system of friends and loved ones who can offer encouragement and help you cope with rejection.
    9. It is important to stay positive and keep a sense of perspective. Remember that rejection is just one aspect of life and not the entire picture.