Infographic: Here Are 9 Female Startups Changing The World In 2020


Remember in Beyonce’s ‘Run The World (Girls)’, she sings, “Boy, you know you love it how we’re smart enough to make these millions, strong enough to bear the children, then get back to business”?

It’s one of those iconic lyrics that takes on more meaning every time you hear the song and especially when you read it — there’s just something unforgettable and truthful in the visual power of her words.

And yet, we know for a fact that the gender pay gap exists and that many women face serious barriers to going back into the workforce once they’ve had children.

What’s Next In Business For Women?

The truth is that there is still data that points to a real gender pay gap and professional inequality that disadvantages women throughout the world.

The 2019 data from The World Bank shows that less than half of all women globally participate in the labour force at 47.7%. Further to this, associated data from the International Labour Organization shows that women also still complete the majority of unpaid caregiving responsibilities that prevent them participating in paid employment opportunities across industries.

The reality is that because childcare disproportionally falls to women they’re not only less represented in paid work, they’re also less able to rejoin the workforce. Statistically speaking, only 1.5% of men provide unpaid care on a full-time basis compared to 21.7% of women.

So where to from here? Well, one area that’s seriously got a buzz when it comes to powerful, groundbreaking women’s contributions is the start-up space.

It could be that inequality in the workplace and the advent of the digital space that’s enabling many women to found their own companies and organizations.

Moreover, they’re using their nous and insight to contribute truly groundbreaking work that’s disrupting entire industries! In fact, over the last two years an unprecedented number of female-led start-ups have made it to ‘unicorn’ status, attracting significant investment and being valued at over 1 billion USD.

Female-Led Start-Ups Are The Future

The bottom line? For start-ups, the power of women-founded businesses is being seen as valuable and untapped, with the ‘pink-winged stampede’ endorsed by venture capitalists including Jennifer Neundorfer who says, “We’re going to invest in an underlooked asset class that is overperforming.”

Building upon this theory, a group of these inspiring women is showcased in this infographic, ‘Female Start-Ups Changing the World in 2020’, from Trainwest that delves into the dynamic, industry-flipping work being achieved.

As innovative businesses in the space, these start-ups demonstrate the wide-reaching impact that female-led organisations are making across industries. Whether you’re a business owner, student or creator, you’ll see why these start-ups are worth noticing and learning more about now then ones to watch in the years ahead!

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Trainwest is a registered training organisation in Perth. It offers training & assessment, work health & safety & management specific courses.