Question #1: Where To Find Happiness In Life?

Where to find happiness is the basic question humans ask themselves. It is the age old question since human existence. Most people don't know the...

Things To Know About The History Of Halloween

Halloween or Hallowe'en or All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October. It was introduced in...
mental health & wellness among youth

Meet A 17-year Old Creating Mental Health Awareness In India’s Youth

By Kaberi Gogoi With rising unemployment, declining incomes, and increasing issues of domestic violence in families, there has been a steady rise in mental health...

How to Retain More of Every Book You Read

By James Clear Finishing a book is easy, young man. Understanding it is harder. In recent years, I have focused on building good reading habits and learned how to...

12 Risk-Taking Tips: How To Take Risks In Life That Pay Off

By Hanna Kielar What do you think of when you hear the word “risk”? Risk-taking can be scary for some, as it can invoke the idea of...

[Covid Impact]: How To Stay Positive In The Midst Of A Crisis

By April Meyers Is the uncertainty and instability of recent months putting a strain on your well-being? There's no denying it's been a tough year...

[NEW YEAR GOALS]: 50 Ways To Live Life On Your Own Terms

By Benjamin P Hardy 1. Stop depending on caffeine Although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don’t. Actually, we’ve become so dependent...

How Building Startups Is Like A Game Of Surviving In The Wilderness

By Anand L.  In entrepreneurship there is nothing called 'winning' – the keyword in this game is  surviving. The survival can be for a lot of...

34 Hard Truths You Should Know Before Becoming ‘Successful’

1. It’s Never As Good As You Think It Will Be “One of the enemies of happiness is adaptation,” says Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor...

Why Social Capital Is As Important As Angel Money For Your Startup

By Hari Julka  A lot of people keep complaining about the lack of capital in starting a business or breaking their daily loop of life. However,...

How To Escape The Daily Loop & Create A New One You Desire

By Hari Julka Most often than not, our daily schedules are controlled by people who have no interest in our life goals or personal objectives...

How To Turn Alarm Clock Into A Positive Trigger For Your Brain

By Benjamin Hardy You can wake up first thing in the morning with excitement. You can hear that alarm, get up, and your mind is...

Volunteer Management Is Need Of The Hour To Bring Social Change

By Maanoj Shah From distributing free food packets to the needy, arranging transport to get migrants back to their homes, taking care of strays during...

Meditations: How To Deal With The Loss Of A Loved One In A Pandemic

By Manisha Udeshi Distance makes heart grow stronger, so says the world. Sometimes distance does lead to grief and sadness too. Life always loved you, and...

Four Quotes That Will Make You Take Your Life More Seriously

By Benjamin Hardy The four quotes I’m going to share with you are from two pretty intense people. The first is Viktor Frankl, who survived...

How To Get Your Dream Job, Life & Body Even In Times Of Crisis

Starting today, if you're searching for your dream job, body or partner and sick of waiting for it, then this might be the book...