Digital Tips: How To Optimize Your Website for Google Featured Snippets

Image Credit: Oberlo

By Ashish Roy

Featured snippets are becoming a hot topic nowadays. It has short and crisp information of the user’s query. The search engine crawlers extract the information visible into the featured snippets.

The most common type of featured snippets you will see are definitions, tables, steps, and lists.

Google is displaying more and more featured results every day. Now on average, more than 70 percent of featured snippets are generating from the sites ranking between position 2-10. It gives the SEO companies a new way to beat the top result and achieve position zero.

Featured snippets are also called position zero, and as their name sounds, they are cutting the traffic of first ranking result.

A position zero is a unique obstruct over the organic search results that Google here and there shows for specific inquiries, usually questions (i.e., who/what/where/when/why/how).

It contains an outline (a paragraph, a list, a table, or a video), also the publication date, page title, connection to the page from which the appropriate response generated, and URL.

Why Are Featured Snippets Important for SEO?

Featured Snippets Affect SEO in two different ways. In the first place, Featured Snippets are a chance to get more clicks from the organic search results without higher Google rankings.

Numerous SEOs call the Featured Snippet box as “Position ZERO” because it shows up over the customary #1 spot.

Information Box and Rich Answers are not lies under the class of Featured Snippets. Here we have described types of Featured snippets and how you can achieve it.

  1. Text or Paragraph Featured Snippet

As we all like the extracted answer that immediate answers our search query. Google extricates content from a page trying to respond to the searcher’s query.

The best approach to achieve the paragraph featured snippets is to answer the searcher’s question at the top of the page and then spread light over the topic to keep the searcher engaged.

FAQ pages are ideal for responding to numerous short queries at once, while blog pages are better for complex questions.

Optimize Your Content for Paragraph Featured Snippets

Paragraph snippets are extremely suited for these kinds of searches:

  • Comparisons ( X vs. Y)
  • Who is…
  • Why is…
  • How is…

Google is just going to pull a small part of your content, so make sure to give your answer in 40 to 50 words. For a shockingly better possibility at the featured result, incorporate the query as a heading and answer the question straightforwardly.

  1. Video Snippets

Other than text snippets, Google may choose a video as the best solution to your query. If so, you will see a video snippet as a result. If you click on the picture, you will navigate to the specific landing page.

For some “how-to” queries, Google has selected to pull in essential videos, featuring suggested clips of the video that is probably going to best respond to the searcher’s query.

Optimize for Video Featured Snippets

  • Optimization for video content is simple since Google appears to support video content:
  • Plan your content step-by-step
  • Add a script for the video’s captions
  • Utilize optimized description with long-tail keywords
  1. The Table Featured Snippet

Table snippets are shockingly popular, making up 29 percent of all featured snippets. Google indeed prefers to flaunt its abilities with these. It doesn’t simply pull the data and let it display how it is– it can extract the data the user is searching for, and produce its very own table, as in the model underneath.

Optimize for Table Featured Snippets

  • If you want to optimize for the table snippet results here are some essential tips to consider:
  • Take each necessary step for Google. Feel free to put your information in a table yourself. It will serve your site visitor as you are preparing this for them. It could furthermore make it simpler for Google to find your tabular content.
  • Always start with a suitable heading immediately, followed by your table and data.
  1. The Bulleted List Featured Snippet

Answers that exhibited in numbered lists or bulleted lists fall under this snippet type. List snippets apply for the parts of posts, which are step-by-step guides and instructions.

Optimize for List Featured Snippets

  • Here are some essential techniques to optimize your content for the list snippet result:
  • Include the question as a heading
  • Answer the question in 40-50 words under the heading
  • There’s likewise a second way that Google will search for this data: put your list in the table order.
  • To do that, organize your content in steps with ordered or unordered list labels. And for each significant activity or level, utilize a heading.


If you need to improve your website traffic and enhance your site’s SEO, you should realize that involving the top-10 positions of Google indexed lists isn’t the solution. Positioning in featured snippets allows you another opportunity to beat your competitors.

Here’s a swift recap of the Techniques:

  • Target question-related keywords
  • Analyze Google’s “People Also Ask” for pertinent queries
  • Strive for the first page of Google SERPs.
  • Utilize the reversed pyramid style when curating content
  • Incorporate words that are probably going to create featured snippets
  • Organize your blog post as per your targeted featured snippet
  • Don’t cross the length of 40-58 words
  • Structure your blog post properly
  • Add a Q&A page to your site

Author Bio:

Since founding a Raleigh SEO Company Cibirix, Ashish Roy has used his marketing knowledge to lead the agency in generating truly efficient digital marketing experiences for clients. He has more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing and loves to write about different types of content in the industry.