How To Devise A Daily Trading Plan & Identify Your Investment Niches


While daily trading may not be applicable for everyone, it’s essential to have a fundamental and technical knowledge of the markets before you devise a step by step plan and allocate time and capital for investment. Even if you are not able to give time and outsource your investments to fund managers, its essential to understand the basics of trading in markets. It’s also essential that you identify your niche from forex to commodities or sectors and markets, to have fundamental knowledge before you start to invest.

“High Probability Trading” by Marcel Link is a comprehensive guide that offers readers an in-depth look at the strategies that lead to successful trading. Marcel Link combines his personal experience with well-researched methods to provide a roadmap that aims to help traders minimize their risk and maximize their potential for profit. This summary breaks down the key concepts and methods discussed in the book, intended to transform novices into proficient traders.

1. Understanding Trading Psychology

Link starts by emphasizing the psychological aspects of trading, which he considers crucial to success. He discusses the importance of discipline, patience, and emotional control, highlighting that successful traders know how to manage their emotions and stick to a trading plan without letting fear or greed take over.

2. The Importance of a Solid Trading Plan

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the development and implementation of a robust trading plan. Link insists that a good trading plan includes clear entry and exit rules, risk management techniques, and criteria for evaluating the performance of trades. He argues that consistency in following a well-thought-out plan is more crucial than seeking out what might seem like lucrative trades that do not fit one’s strategic criteria.

3. Risk Management Strategies

Risk management is another cornerstone of Link’s teachings. He instructs readers on how to calculate appropriate trade sizes and the importance of setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. Link stresses that managing risk per trade and overall exposure is key to long-term survival in the trading world.

4. Technical Analysis and Market Indicators

Link provides an exhaustive overview of technical analysis, explaining how to interpret various charts and indicators like moving averages, RSI (Relative Strength Index), and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence). He offers insights into how these tools can help in making informed trading decisions based on price movements and market trends rather than emotional impulses.

5. The Role of Fundamental Analysis

While the book focuses primarily on technical analysis, Link also touches on the importance of fundamental analysis. He explains how economic indicators, market news, and financial reports can impact market conditions and should be considered in conjunction with technical data to make the best trading decisions.

6. Developing High Probability Trading Strategies

The core of the book is about developing strategies that lead to high probability trades. Link discusses various trading styles, including day trading, swing trading, and position trading, each with its own set of strategies. He provides examples of how to identify high probability setups using technical and fundamental analysis.

7. Learning from Mistakes and Losses

Link is candid about the inevitability of losses in trading and discusses how to learn from these situations. He suggests maintaining a trading journal to record strategies, thoughts, and outcomes of trades to analyze what works and what doesn’t. This reflective practice is presented as a method to continually refine and improve a trader’s approach.

8. Staying Informed and Continuous Learning

Finally, Link advises traders to stay informed about the markets and continue learning. The trading environment is dynamic, and ongoing education and adaptation are essential. He recommends reading market analyses, staying updated with global economic news, and continuously testing and tweaking trading strategies.

Technical and fundamental analysis are two primary approaches used by traders and investors to evaluate securities and make decisions about buying, selling, or holding them. Each method offers a different perspective on the markets and is based on different sets of data and principles.

What Is Technical Analysis

Technical analysis involves studying past market data, primarily price and volume, to forecast future price movements. This analysis is based on the assumption that all known information is already reflected in prices, meaning that prices move in trends that are determined by supply and demand dynamics, and these trends tend to persist over time. Here are some key aspects of technical analysis:

– Charts: Technical analysts use various types of charts, such as line charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts, to visualize price movements over time.

– Indicators and Tools: A wide range of technical indicators and tools are used to analyze trends and patterns. Some common indicators include moving averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), and Fibonacci retracements.

– Patterns: Technical analysts look for patterns in the charts that have historically indicated certain behaviors. These include patterns like head and shoulders, double tops and bottoms, and various triangle formations.

– Psychology and Sentiment: Market psychology and trader sentiment play significant roles in technical analysis. The idea is that recognizable patterns and trends often reflect the emotions of the market participants.

Technical analysis is widely used for short-term trading decisions because it provides quick, actionable insights based on market movements.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis seeks to determine the intrinsic value of a security, independent of its current market price, by examining related economic, financial, and other qualitative and quantitative factors. Fundamental analysts study anything that can affect the security’s value, from macroeconomic factors, such as the state of the economy and industry conditions, to microeconomic factors, like the effectiveness of the company’s management. The main components include:

– Economic Factors: This includes analysis of economic indicators like GDP growth rates, unemployment rates, inflation data, and interest rates.

– Financial Statements: Analysis of the company’s financial health through its balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Key metrics include earnings, revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, and profitability ratios.

– Industry and Competitor Analysis: Understanding the industry dynamics and how the company performs relative to its competitors.

– Management and Corporate Governance: Evaluating the quality and track record of management and the practices of corporate governance.

– Valuation Models: Using models like discounted cash flow (DCF), price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, and others to determine whether the current market price reflects the estimated true value of the security.

Fundamental analysis is typically associated with long-term investment strategies because it involves a deeper dive into the company’s actual business performance and potential.

Comparison and Use

While technical analysis is more commonly used by traders who focus on short-term market trends and patterns, fundamental analysis is preferred by investors looking at long-term investment opportunities based on company performance and economic conditions. Many market participants use a combination of both techniques to enhance their decision-making process, depending on their trading style, investment goals, and risk tolerance.


In Marcel Link’s “High Probability Trading,” determining the amount of capital to allocate for trading is discussed as a foundational aspect of setting up a trading strategy. Here’s how the book suggests identifying and managing trading capital:

1. Assess Financial Situation: Before starting, it’s crucial to evaluate your overall financial health. This means reviewing your income, savings, expenses, and investments. The key is to ensure that the money you plan to use for trading is surplus capital—money that you can afford to lose without impacting your essential financial commitments and lifestyle.

2. Risk Capital: The term “risk capital” refers to the amount of money one is willing to risk on trading activities. Link emphasizes the importance of only using risk capital for trading to avoid financial distress in other areas of your life. This is money that, if lost, would not alter your standard of living or prevent you from meeting your financial obligations.

3. Determine Risk Tolerance: Individual risk tolerance can vary significantly. It’s important to honestly assess how much risk you are comfortable taking. This includes considering your financial goals, your timeline, and your emotional ability to handle the volatility and the possibility of losing money.

4. Decide on Allocation: Once you’ve established the amount of risk capital, you need to decide how much of that capital to allocate to individual trades. Marcel Link advises never risking more than a small percentage of your capital on a single trade. A common guideline is to risk no more than 1-2% of your total trading capital on any one trade. This helps in managing risk and avoiding significant damage from any single losing trade.

5. Account for Diversification: Depending on the amount of capital available, diversification might be necessary. This involves not putting all your capital into one type of asset or market. Diversification can help spread risk and reduce volatility in your trading portfolio.

6. Set Aside Emergency Funds: It’s wise not to commit all available risk capital to active trading. Setting aside a portion as an emergency fund or for unexpected market opportunities can be prudent. This ensures that you have flexibility and security, further protecting you from having to liquidate positions at inopportune times due to cash needs.

By carefully assessing and managing how much capital to use for trading, you can help ensure that your trading activities are sustainable and aligned with your overall financial strategy, as advised by Marcel Link in “High Probability Trading”.


Devising a trading plan is a crucial step for any trader aiming to be successful in the financial markets. A well-structured trading plan helps in making disciplined and consistent decisions, managing risks, and tracking performance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating an effective trading plan:

1. Define Your Trading Goals

   – Start by setting clear, achievable goals. Decide what you want to accomplish with your trading, whether it’s a supplementary income, wealth preservation, or full-time trading. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Choose a Trading Style

   – Select a trading style that suits your personality and goals. Common styles include day trading, swing trading, position trading, and scalping. Each style has different time commitments, risk profiles, and strategies.

3. Select Your Markets

   – Determine which markets you will trade, such as stocks, forex, commodities, or cryptocurrencies. Consider factors like market volatility, trading hours, and your own knowledge and interests.

4. Develop Entry and Exit Criteria

   – Establish clear criteria for entering and exiting trades. This might include technical indicators, chart patterns, or fundamental analysis. Define what triggers a buy or sell order and under what conditions you would exit a trade, either at a profit or a loss.

5. Risk Management Rules

   – Decide how much of your total capital you are willing to risk on a single trade. A common rule is to risk no more than 1-2% of your trading capital on any one trade. Also, define how you will use stop-loss orders and take-profit points to manage risks.

6. Backtesting and Paper Trading

   – Before using real money, backtest your trading strategies against historical data to see how they would have performed. After backtesting, practice with paper trading to simulate real trading without financial risk. This step is crucial for refining your strategies and rules.

7. Setup Your Trading Environment

   – Organize the tools and resources you need for trading. This includes reliable trading software, real-time data feeds, and analytical tools. Ensure your trading environment is conducive to focused and uninterrupted work.

8. Keeping Records and Review

   – Maintain a detailed trading journal to record all your trades, including the rationale for taking them, the outcomes, and any lessons learned. Regularly review this journal to analyze your performance and identify areas for improvement.

9. Continual Learning and Adjustment

   – The markets are dynamic, and continual learning is key to adapting to changing conditions. Stay updated with market news, new trading tools, and strategies. Be prepared to adjust your trading plan as you gain experience and as market conditions evolve.

10. Emotional Discipline

    – Develop strategies to manage your emotions while trading. This might include setting strict trading hours, taking breaks, and knowing when to step away from trading to avoid impulsive decisions driven by emotions like fear or greed.

Creating and following a detailed trading plan is vital for trading success. It provides a framework that helps you make logical decisions and measure your progress, keeping you aligned with your long-term trading objectives.


Identifying your investment niches involves discovering areas in the markets or sectors where you can apply your knowledge, interests, and skills to make informed investment decisions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find your investment niches:

Assess Your Interests and Expertise: Start by considering what you are passionate about and where your expertise lies. For instance, if you have a background in technology, you might be more comfortable investing in tech stocks because you understand industry trends and what makes a tech company potentially successful.

Research Market Trends: Stay informed about current and emerging market trends. For example, if renewable energy is gaining momentum due to new legislation, it might be a promising niche to explore. Use financial news, market analysis reports, and economic indicators to guide your research.

Engage with Community and Networks: Join forums, attend seminars, and network with other investors and professionals in your areas of interest. Networking can provide insights and opportunities that are not always visible through standard research.

Utilize Financial Tools and Models: Use financial tools and models such as SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), PESTLE analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental), or Porter’s Five Forces to evaluate the attractiveness and potential profitability of different niches. Once you’ve identified a potential niche, start with a small investment to test your assumptions and understanding of the niche without exposing yourself to significant risk.