SURGES – Marketing Tool Reviews For Your Business



FOUNDED IN (Year): 2021

FOUNDER’S NAME: Stuart Goulden

THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:

There’s a SaaS for everything, we’re on a mission to find the best ones for your business.

THE FOUNDER’S STORY: When and how did you come up with the idea for the business?:

Marketers love to romanticize their craft. But the truth is that you can build high-converting websites, rank higher, automate your onboarding, acquire more leads, build links, grow your email list and retain customers in record time thanks to marketing software.

This field has exploded in recent years and Surges aims to help fellow startups to navigate the many options out there. I use many of these tools running my marketing agency, Like No Other.

WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:

Marketing professionals and startup founders – all over the world.

LESSONS TO SHARE: What 3 key lessons from your startup journey you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs?:

Passion – Find your niche and double-down on it. Make sure it’s something you obsessively care about and don’t be afraid to let your passion and personality show.

Persistence – Nothing good is ever easy. Keep chipping away at it, try lots of things and pursue any promising signs.

Celebrate often – Life is too short otherwise. Don’t forget to have fun doing it!

HQ City: York

Website URL:

Number of Employees: 1-5

LinkedIN URL: