AURORA: Music Therapy To Heal You With Deep Sleep


NAME OF STARTUP: Aurora Sleep Music


FOUNDER: David Hughes

THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:

Our app puts you in control of our beautiful sleep music compositions to set your own mood for sleep.

THE FOUNDER’S STORY: When and how did you come up with the idea for the business?:

The story of Aurora is one of exploring music as an instinctive, effortless and enjoyable way to allow the mind, body and spirit to synchronously heal and energise.

Music therapy is reported to improve respiration, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate and relax muscle tension. It has been used to diffuse stress and relieve pain.

Knowing this and experiencing its benefits ourselves, we wanted to take the concept further and produce music for mental health that every listener could adjust and mix to create their own special sound.

WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:

Sleep deprivation affect hundreds of million of people globally, and sleep music is enjoyed across all demographics.

We aim to target the customer segment of anyone experiencing mental health issues by offering our product free in these troubled times.

LESSONS TO SHARE: What 3 key lessons from your startup journey you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs?:

1.Don’t build a product you like. Build a product people need.

2.Don’t do vitamins, do aspirin. Nice to have is a much harder road to success. Aspirins solve a headache.

3.Hire slow, Fire fast.

Headquarters: UK

Website URL:

Number of Employees: 1-5

LinkedIN URL::