Startup Failure: 10 Tips For Entrepreneurs To Fight Depression

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

By Sally Wu

Depression is real. The important thing for startup entrepreneurs is that they recognize that this is something they can fight off and so that they should not shut down themselves, they should not push away their friends, colleagues or family.

It can be harmful for the entrepreneur as well as their family and colleagues when a business shuts down due to the mental health of the business owner.

An entrepreneur needs to always try to solve problems, to identify opportunities, and to work with partners. They need to build a support system to cope with failure, and not carry it with them.

When there is no will to overcome depression, you have no drive to get up in the morning and push yourself.

Most of the founders feel that they did everything right but still failed. So, they feel responsible for the failure. For the successful entrepreneurs, there should be no guilt for the failures. It’s good to talk to a professional, and to get the support.

Here are 10 suggestions to help you overcome depression at your workplace: 

1. Learn to manage stress

Do some exercise, try to focus on the here and now, and exercise is the best way to deal with stress. Find a hobby to do that helps you to get away from your everyday stress and slow your mind down, like gardening, painting, going to the beach, painting, walking, reading, or just listening to music.

2. Get rid of screens 

Smartphones make people feel bored, stressed, anxious, and bored and stressed. People are attached to their smartphone so much so that they cannot wait to get home to check their smartphones first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I know this sounds crazy, but phones drive people crazy because people put way too much value on them. The average smartphone user spends over three hours a day on them.

Find a way to avoid it, such as having a dedicated room with a separate phone or family member and putting your phone outside of the bedroom. Use your phone for work only, for emergencies, or if you want to check out some of the latest apps that provide value to you. If you need to use your phone for work, put it on silent or do not have notifications on.

3. Make sure you keep social media activity at a minimum

Social media and communication is not a bad thing in and of itself. Communication and social media are what makes people productive and happy. But when it’s used too much and in an unhealthy way, people suffer from stress and burnout and this is when the effects of depression can start. Social media and communication are making people feel useless and just another number that needs to be managed and monitored.

Try limiting the time you spend on social media. Try making social media a source of positive communication, not stress.

4. Establish healthy routines & seek pro help

Establishing a healthy routine at work can help you feel productive and happy. Set up a routine that will help you to be more productive and happy at work, such as writing down your goals and putting them on your desk, or leaving at the end of your working day by about 5 pm.

Make a habit of meeting your colleagues or friends at a certain time every evening, and spend 15 minutes talking about the day and what you did at work.

If the problem becomes acute, it may be time to seek professional help.

5. Learn to see & use the good parts of people & situations

When we have a strong sense of rejection, we tend to close off. We do not open up to people, we do not share our true thoughts and feelings, we do not learn to take care of ourselves, and we do not allow others to care about us.

Get into the habit of seeing the good in people. When someone gives you feedback, look at it from a different angle. Notice what they did that was good, and perhaps even try to do it yourself. You never know how what you are doing might make another person feel.

6. Design your life

You have to be aware of what’s happening around you in order to design a life that suits you. If you want to quit smoking, start working out.

If you want to live your life with more openness and honesty, start cleaning up your home. Do what you have to do in order to lead a good life. We live in an imperfect world. Accept it and do your best to make a better life for yourself and for those around you.

7. Get more deep sleep

It’s important to have enough sleep every day. Lack of sleep causes stress and depression and makes you more vulnerable to the world.

Sleep improves our concentration and memory. According to a study, people who got less than eight hours of sleep had lower IQs.

8. Practice deep meditation

Meditation is an excellent way to prevent stress and depression. It helps you to be more focused and less reactive and to get more peace of mind. It also helps you to learn to live a life that’s happier and healthier. Meditation can make you live life more mindfully and to be more creative, successful, and happy.

Many successful people practice meditation on a daily basis. Some go to a class, some watch a video and some read a book.

The important thing is that you do it for yourself. There are many videos on YouTube that you can use.

9. Find time to unwind with family

It’s important to make time every day to relax. Unwind after work and go for a walk or a swim. If you can’t do it during the working day, do it at least a couple of times a week after work.

Enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet in your own home will help you to be more relaxed. Listen to some good music, do some yoga, take a long bath, read a book, or watch a funny video.

10. Become part of an active social community

Practicing meditation and yoga will help you to be happier. It will also improve your focus and concentration.

It is important to get involved with a community of like-minded people and practice meditation in groups. This will also help you to grow in your practice.

(The author is a content writer at Feedback: