MAGAI: Next Gen AI Tools, Chatbots & Personas For Creators



FOUNDED IN (Year): 2023

FOUNDER’S NAME: Dustin W. Stout

THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:

At Magai, we’re on a mission to sprinkle a little magic over the lives of content creators by empowering them with our delightful AI tools. Our goal? Help you do more, save time, and flourish in your online ventures while having a blast every step of the way.

Magai, conjures up a collection of generative AI tools nestled in one seamless and visually striking interface. It’s perfect for creators who want to add a little pizzazz to their content creation and streamline their workflow. Our platform uses machine learning to provide you with real-time data and insights to help you optimize your strategies and increase your ROI.

THE FOUNDER’S STORY: When and how did you come up with the idea for the business?:

I’m Dustin, and I made Magai because I loved the idea of an AI Assistant, but didn’t love the limitations of ChatGPT when it first came out. So as a bit of a tinkerer, and someone who is obsessed with beautiful app experiences, I started building.

Within a couple weeks I knew that I’d never go back to just using ChatGPT.

I built Magai with makers, content creators, and business owners in mind. Why? Because I’m all of those things. With 10+ years experience in content marketing, building businesses, and being a professional content creator, I knew exactly what people like me needed to thrive.

Seeing people use Magai and have it improve their lives is pure joy. And I’m so glad to be on this journey with you to see just how far you go with Magai at your side.

WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:

I built Magai with makers, content creators, and business owners in mind.

LESSONS TO SHARE: What 3 key lessons from your startup journey you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs?:

With 10+ years experience in content marketing, building businesses, and being a professional content creator, I knew exactly what people like me needed to thrive.

Seeing people use Magai and have it improve their lives is pure joy. And I’m so glad to be on this journey with you to see just how far you go with Magai at your side.

HQ: California

Website URL:

Number of Employees: 1-5

Connect On Twitter: @HeyMagai