BREAKING: Auckland To Move To Level 3.2, Ardern Under Opposition Fire


AUCKLAND: After weeks of uncertainty and protests by thousands asking for restrictions to ease in Auckland, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced an easing of restrictions.

Aucklanders have been in level restrictions for weeks, even as many District Health Boards are yet to hit the 90% vaccination target.

The restrictions have made many businesses suffer even as closure of borders has made experts question the strategy of Ardern government’s plan to tackle the pandemic. Many countries such as the US, UK, Canada and now even Australia have announced easing of restrictions and opening of borders, rather focusing on vaccine passports as a way to conduct daily business.


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The Ardern government has also come under fire from opposition for mishandling the current crisis impacting the small island nation, which has a population of just about 5 million, which could have achieved 95% vaccinations easily in early part of 2021.