FOUNDED IN (Year): 2022
THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:
Other QR tags exist, but they are boring and require setup after delivery. We’ve made ours personalised and fun, so you’d want them to be among your personal things – more of a fashion accessory and less of a security product.
We capture all relevant information during the purchase process, so there is no fiddly setup after delivery. By doing so, we eliminate the risk of having tags that are not set up and that don’t work when someone scans them. We’re focusing on people’s friendliness and willingness to help each other – not on security and danger.
THE FOUNDER’S STORY: When and how did you come up with the idea for the business?:
We decided to reduce the waste and frustration when personal stuff gets left behind, and somebody finds it but doesn’t know who owns it. So we have launched pingpenguin – an online service selling fun personalised stickers.
They show your name and a picture of your face to get stuff back to you if you’re still nearby. Otherwise, scanning the QR code brings up the contact details you want to share. The stickers are durable, waterproof, and come in 2 sizes. No app is needed.
HQ City: London
Website URL: https://pingpenguin.com/
Number of Employees: 1-5