Infographic: Top 10 Countries With The Most Female Entrepreneurs


According to a recent study by Aston University, men are almost twice as likely to become entrepreneurs than women.

However, with the number of female business owners increasing by 45% in the last ten years, RS Components have analysed which countries are leading the way when it comes to female entrepreneurs. Here is a snapshot:

The top ten countries below:

1. Ghana – 46%
2. Russia – 35%
3. Uganda – 34%
4. New Zealand – 33%
5. Australia – 32%
6. Vietnam – 31%
7. Poland – 30%
8. Spain – 29%
9. Romania – 29%
10. Portugal – 29%
  • Ghana is leading the way with 46% of business owners being female
  • Russia follows in second place with 35% of entrepreneurs being female
  • Out of the 28 countries analysed, the UK comes in 27th place with only 25% of female business owners
  • Despite being home to tech and entrepreneur hub, Silicon Valley, the United States only has 26% of female business owners, coming in 23rd place
