7 Tools To Track Daily Tasks Of Your Virtual Assistants

image source: pinterest.

By Rangoli Roy

“Keeping a track of every aspect of your business can be a beneficial habit for you, as a business owner”

Everything is quite manageable unless it’s about tracking the efficiency of an employee who works from a remote location. Though it might appear complicated initially, tracking your virtual assistants reaps overall benefits.

Tracking a virtual assistant is important because it:

Boosts productivity

Workers tend to be more productive when they know they are being monitored. They get mindful of their actions during their working hours that eventually boost overall productivity.

Improves efficiency

There are tools and software that help you see your virtual assistants’ progress on the delegated project. You can best use this opportunity to amend or accelerate any process that needs to be taken care of.

Supports important decisions

Being able to check how an employee is performing every day, you can get a better insight into if an employee should keep working with you for a long run or should be delegated more responsibilities.

Virtual Assistants are getting common day by day and many employers have decided to keep the same structure of hiring remote employees going. Everything is great until it comes to manage your virtual assistants.

However, with the right tools, you can track your virtual assistants and keep a record of their daily tasks and progress.

Here are 7 tools you can use for tracking the activities of your virtual assistants:

● Skype

Skype is a usual virtual communication tool that allows you to make voice and video calls to your employees sitting farther away from you. Here, all you need is an internet connection. With Skype, you can timely or spontaneously keep checking the progress of your projects.

You can also guide and brief your virtual assistants wherever needed. You can customize your meeting schedules with your virtual assistants and use Skype for hassle-free communication — to keep a track of daily activities!

● Google Sheets

One of the simplest tools is Google sheets and forms that can be easily made as per your requirements. You can create simple tables and forms and ask your virtual assistants to fill them daily.

This highlights their hours and the work they have completed over a project.  You can easily go through the progress of your virtual assistants and can intervene in the process whenever needed.

● Roadmap

Roadmap is a renowned tool built for agencies, marketers, advertisers, and decentralized teams. It is widely used for task management, planning, scheduling, and time tracking. Roadmap lets you visualize your business and stay up with the efficiency of your virtual assistant.

● Time Doctor

Another highly productive tool is Time Doctor that allows you to easily track the daily activities of your virtual assistants. Your virtual assistants can set a target on their dashboard and try to beat it. It also has unique features that alert your employees when they surf sites that are not related to their work.

● Hive Desk

Hive Desk is a great resource to track your virtual assistant’s daily activities with features such as screen sampling, check-in – checkouts, and easy to use timesheets. ‘If it doesn’t get tracked it didn’t happen’ and Hive Desk has given peace of mind to business owners worldwide from such recurring thoughts.

● Tick

No matter which device your virtual assistant prefers, be it iOS, Android, or desktop, Tick makes you capable of easily tracking your virtual assistant’s time.  Tick that was formerly known as Tickspot also makes sure that all of your projects make

money. It offers multiple time tracking tools to help your virtual assistants run profitable projects.

● Everhour

Everhour is exceptional web-based software to see and keep a track of your remote employees. It gives you a live dashboard that allows you to stock what your virtual assistant has on their plate at the moment. Everhour comes with fully functional browser extensions for easy accessibility.

Gone are the days when you tangle yourself in the midst of telephone, spreadsheets, and calculators. Choose an activity tracking tool for your virtual assistants and get a step ahead with overall efficiency.

You can also use a blend of these services as per your business requirements and your budgets!

About Author: 

Rangoli Roy works as a content specialist for a BPO company based in India named Acelerar Technologies. In her free time, she loves to express her creativity through poetry and art. You can find her spreading positivity through her art on her Instagram Blog called ‘thepoetesswithblackbindi’.