IPStack: Locate & Identify Your Website Visitors By Their IP Address



FOUNDED IN (Year): 2015

FOUNDER’S NAME: Julian and Paul Zehetmayr

THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:

Ipstack offers one of the leading IP to geolocation. APIs and global IP database services worldwide.

The API to use it is simple and does what you need it to do without the frills that most others solutions come with. Returns just a simple JSON string that you can use how you want. It is fast on the front end (browsers) and the price is competitive. It is good for the validation of emails to do perfect email marketing, as it helps in removing unnecessary spam emails from the list.

WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:

Online Businesses and individuals who want to give better services to their clients.

LESSONS TO SHARE: What 3 key lessons from your startup journey you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs?:

  1. Work according to latest technology

2. Quality matter

3. Timing is critical for launch

HQ City: Vienna

Website URL: https://ipstack.com/

Number of Employees: 50-100