FOUNDED IN (Year): 2014
THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:
Our SERP API enables you to scrape search engine result pages in realtime. Get started with just a few clicks by signing up for our free plan.
Nowadays, Google Maps is the go-to source for finding local businesses and getting directions. However, did you know that you can also scrape Google Maps results with the Zenserp API? By using this API, you can retrieve information such as business names, addresses, phone numbers, websites, and more! google Maps is a popular way to find local businesses and get directions. The Zenserp Google Maps API makes it easy to scrape map results for your business or personal website. And get the data you need without having to worry about getting lost in the process.
It can also be used to scrape Google Maps results for a given search query. This can be useful for extracting data about businesses, locations, and contact information. The API is easy to use and provides reliable results.
WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:
We cover all major search engines and frequently add new endpoints to our search API. Online Businesses and individuals who want to give better services to their clients. Our Google search API provides plenty of setting parameters and filters that allow you to refine your search.
HQ City: Austin
Website URL:
Number of Employees: 5-25