By Col Mohinder Pal Singh, PhD
Army officers world over are well known for their smart personality and an upright image. A strong personality which is replete with qualities of leadership , courage , confidence and camaraderie . A personality suffusing with unstinted love for their motherland and strong conviction in secularism. These are some of the well known attributes which an army officer or a Army leader typifies.
I was always vary of coaching someone appearing in a test, as to me the word ‘coaching’ somehow smacks of a negative connotation meaning that a person who otherwise maybe unfit for a particular job is now being shown a ‘short-cut’ method. I wanted to change this paradigm of coaching to a concept of helping a candidate developing right traits of personality required for a job. With my 30 years service in a elite Infantry Regiment and six years in the selection process I wanted to convert this concept of ‘coaching’ to ‘mentoring’ or ‘honing’ the personality with the right skills required in an armed forces officer.
On this back drop, AMAS TRAINING was born on 2 July 2018 at Greater Noida in India.
I very strongly feel that what can an army veteran give back to the society , other then skilling the youth with the true leadership traits so that they take on the role of leaders not only in the armed forces but whichever profession they choose. And that was exactly my aim when I took the entrepreneurial plunge.
At AMAS , we are conducting incessant training for students who wish to choose to officers or leaders in the elite armed forces as a career option. The training ranges from one week , three week to seven week intense training programmes which cover the wide range of personality traits which need honing for a individual to be suitable for an officer. The interview process for armed forces is a grueling 5-day process(generally referred as SSB) and requires a candidate to stay in the premises of the selection centres and undertake the tests.
Those who pass these tests are put through tough medical examination and after that they join the training academies. AMAS TRAINING (Academy of Military Aptitude and Skills) have a team of experienced faculty members. AMAS proudly showcases their testimonials on our website
As any new enterprise faces, we too have had our share of road blocks in the process of establishing this enterprise but the team stretched to fullfill the voids and move ahead.
About the Author
Col Mohinder Pal Singh, PhD is and ex Infantry officer and an author of books on team building.