VULSE: Helps Create & Schedule Engaging LinkedIn Posts



FOUNDED IN (Year): 2019


THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:

Vulse is revolutionising LinkedIn content creation, leveraging AI technologies to help users develop relevant, timely and engaging content, reducing post times from hours to seconds

THE FOUNDER’S STORY: When and how did you come up with the idea for the business?:

Founder, Rob Illlidge started his relationship with social media started in 2006, studying at a Connecticut university where I became one of the first Britons to access Facebook prior to becoming available to the general public.

He instantly saw the potential opportunities available to businesses using social networks, managing successful campaigns for major brands before founding his own agency, Social Republic, in 2008.

Utilising his industry experience he was able to grow the agency from a bootstrapped start-up to a global agency, developing teams and providing positive returns year-on-year;securing contracts with the NHS, British Red Cross, Pioneer, and eBay.

Having witnessed the problems users have when creating engaging social media content, he founded, an online application dedicated to reducing content creation times for employee advocates and personal branding experts.

WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:

A LinkedIn user who understands the need to develop a personal brand and increase the quality of their posts and engagment. They lack the time to develop content ideas, but wan’t to learn how their content has performed well and what’s trending. They need Vulse, a platform that helps them keep their finger on the pulse of content trends, reducing creation times.

LESSONS TO SHARE: What 3 key lessons from your startup journey you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs?:

Sure, here are three key lessons from a startup journey that aspiring entrepreneurs should keep in mind:

Be adaptable and willing to pivot: One of the most important lessons for a startup owner is to be adaptable and willing to pivot your business model or strategy as needed. Your initial idea may not be the one that ends up being successful, so it’s important to be open to feedback, keep an eye on market trends, and adjust your approach accordingly. Be willing to try new things, test hypotheses, and iterate until you find the right path forward.

Focus on your customers: Your customers should always be at the center of your startup journey. It’s important to understand their needs, pain points, and preferences, and design your product or service to address those needs.

Listen to customer feedback, engage with them on social media and other channels, and continually refine your offering based on their input. Building strong relationships with your customers will not only help you improve your product, but also increase customer loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

Build a strong team: A startup journey can be challenging, and having a strong team in place can make all the difference. Hire people who are passionate about your vision, skilled in their respective areas, and who share your values. Foster a culture of collaboration, communication, and continuous learning. Remember that your team is your most valuable asset, and invest in their development and well-being as much as possible. A strong team can help you weather the ups and downs of the startup journey and ultimately drive your success.

HQ City: Manchester

Website URL:

Number of Employees: 1-5

Connect On Twitter: @VulseAI