DUOLEARN: Learn A Language From Its Native Speakers



FOUNDED IN (Year): 2020

FOUNDER’S NAME: Andrei Skobelev and Jack Conroy

THE IDEA: What is the problem being solved by your startup / business?:

DuoLearn pairs learners with language partners from all around the world for tailored and interactive language lessons. Learners can get personalized feedback on pronunciation, use of grammar and engage in natural conversations.

THE FOUNDER’S STORY: When and how did you come up with the idea for the business?:

We, the founders of DuoLearn, were once language teachers traveling the world and helping students learn a new language. But despite our love for teaching, we always had a passion for technology. We were always searching for ways to make the language learning process more efficient and effective.

One day, we had a lightbulb moment. We realized that there was no platform that effectively connected language learners with native speakers for language exchange. That’s when we decided to put our tech savvy and teaching experience together to solve this problem.

And so, we founded DuoLearn, a language exchange app that connects users with native speakers for real-life conversations. With DuoLearn, language learners can now practice their skills and improve their fluency with ease. The app quickly became a hit, attracting users from all over the world. We are proud to have combined our passion for teaching and technology to create a product that helps so many people learn a new language.

WHO IS THE CUSTOMER: What is the typical profile of your target customer? Where would they be located?:

The typical profile of our target customer for DuoLearn would be individuals who are interested in learning a new language, specifically for conversational purposes. Our customers can come from all walks of life, but they typically share a desire to improve their language skills for personal or professional reasons.

In terms of location, our customers are located all over the world, as language learning knows no bounds. DuoLearn has a diverse user base, with customers ranging from students to professionals, and from hobbyists to travelers. With the app’s focus on real-life conversations, we aim to connect users with native speakers in their target language, regardless of their geographical location.

LESSONS TO SHARE: What 3 key lessons from your startup journey you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs?:

Believe in yourself and your vision: Starting a business can be a challenging journey, but it’s important to stay confident in your ideas and to never give up. Surround yourself with supportive people and never stop believing in yourself and your vision.

Be flexible and adaptable: The entrepreneurial journey is full of unexpected twists and turns, so it’s important to be flexible and adaptable. Don’t be afraid to pivot your strategy or change course if you encounter obstacles. Being nimble can often lead to greater success.

Focus on solving a problem: The most successful startups are those that solve a real problem for their customers. Keep your focus on creating value for your customers, and everything else will fall into place. The more you can understand your customer’s needs, the better equipped you will be to provide them with a solution.

HQ City: London

Website URL: https://www.duolearn.com/

Number of Employees: 5-25

Connect On Twitter: @duolearnapp