[STARTUPS 101]: Remote.io – Find The Best Remote Jobs In The World

Image by Tarun Shihora from Pixabay

Startup: Remote.io – Discover the best remote jobs to work from home.

The Back Story:  Remote.io was founded in 2019 by Tony Territo after being unable to find good job sites tailored to remote job seekers. After launch, it quickly became one of the fastest-growing and most visited remote job sites in the world. Tony currently enjoys living in Florida and is planning to move to Southeast Asia in 2021. Tony has an extended history in custom web application development and is currently the acting CTO of the company.

In 2020 Tony met Niels Vugteveen who is the founder of Nomadify. Tony and Niels quickly realized they had a lot of common ideas about the future of remote work. This sparked a conversation around combining remote.io and nomadify to further expand the platforms. In September 2020, the two ventures merged and are now part of Innovation Labs Limited.

Problem being solved: Remote.io provides job seekers with a remote job board that not only covers all job categories, but also has a large number of jobs added daily.

Recruiters don’t have hyper-targeted solutions to recruit remote talent fast. The platform is built to connect recruiters with global talent quickly in a cost effective way.

Location: Hong Kong

Website URL: https://www.remote.io/

Number of Employees: 1-5