By Arpit Arora
Disruption today is the new buzz in the economy, irrespective of the size of the business, be it Ola, Reliance Jio or MakeMyTrip.
In times as turbulent as these, where the Global Economy is in recession, most businesses are feeling the heat with profits tumbling down and subduing profits as Covid-19 creates lockdowns across the globe.
With banks failing, industries rusting, employees getting laid off, the Ripple effect of the reeling economy is quite apparent in the falling current incomes of not just business owners but of salaried professionals as well.
While all this is happening in the background, the current way with which money is being managed is proving to be a blunder and will have to be changed immediately.
A majority of the affluent today are not able to understand the basics of money, let alone learn how to master the money game.
The knowledge and belief system about money is outdated and completely broken in the context of the modern world.
Today’s Scenario
It is saddening to see that most of the people today are playing the money game so poorly that even after having wealth they are starving for income.
They spend all their lives trying to create assets which sit idle or even become liabilities for themselves by creating negative cash flows.
Before we dive deeper into the concept, it is critical to understand that more and more people today are deprived of the basics of financial education.
They want to win the game of money with mindset and skillset which is not aligned enough to compete, let alone win the game of money.
The Concept
Through this section, we try to explain how the Money Management cycle looks for most of the affluent people in society. (Refer to the illustration below)
In the present world, most professionals and entrepreneurs invest their precious time, dedicated efforts, limited energy and hard-earned money into their active source of income (be it their business or profession), which in most cases is an obligation or a compulsion as this is their only source of income.
Since the above scenario holds true for the majority of the thriving population, they typically tend to follow the above wheel of income creation.
The active income generated becomes the only source to sustain the lifestyle expenses of the family and whatever little is left is negligently or due to lack of knowledge, parked in liabilities which seem to be assets which could be in Bank, Insurances, Real Estate, Equity markets, Debt markets or Precious Metals. These assets-cum-liabilities rarely outgrow inflation.
Resultantly, the overall wealth keeps on reducing and with the slightest shift in business or profession causes immense complications in managing the monthly lifestyle and expenses of the family.
Apart from the routine expenses, the long term financial planning which mostly comprises of children’s education, children’s marriage and/or financial dreams of the family are heavily compromised leading to financial pressure, high-interest loans from institutions and stress-related problems which eventually traps us into a vicious circle of running after more and more money.
The solution to this problem is rather simple and revolutionizing. This is the best-kept secret of the ultra-rich which has helped them to focus on creating humongous wealth without even working for it.
Research into the last decade in the financial industry in India and abroad have decoded what has helped people, even from the poor community, to radically shift their mindset and ultimately, the outcome. The concept is called ‘The Passive Income Revolution Theory’
The theory holds its ground on the success the wealthiest of people have been able to achieve without a slight inkling of it to the rest of the society.
The theory will help you understand what happens behind the scenes for most of the successful and influential people of the world.
The Revolutionising Theory
Here is how the present-day wheel of managing personal money or wealth must actually work. Please refer to the illustration below:
This approach allows an individual to work hard on their business/profession without being solely dependent on it for a return or income.
The growth of the business or professional developments creates a certain amount of income which rather than feeding the lifestyle expenses goes into the pool of total wealth.
The pool of total wealth when managed appropriately as per the risk-return tolerance of the individual creates returns which in turn goes back into the system to create monthly passive income equivalent to the lifestyle expenses of the individual and also helps them to plan for their long term family goals.
In the fullness of time, the individuals are able to focus back on their profession or business with passion and not compulsion, leading to growth in their business or profession which eventually makes work more fun.
This brings about abundant growth in an individual’s wealth and the income starts to work equally hard to help people attain their goals and lifestyle expenses.
The implementation of ‘The Passive Income Revolution Theory‘ in individuals’ lives, is to empower people to lead a life completely free of money worries while they get inspired to focus on their business with passion and live life with peace, joy and glory.
This theory should easily be able to help people achieve their financial year targets without compromising on their family lifestyle expenses, because of reduced dependency on the profession or business.
This theory also proves to be extremely useful to retirees who do not have any active source of income coming from their business or profession.
While working hard is rather a mandate for every business or profession to grow, however, the daily grind and the stress related to the same is only optional.
One can easily overcome these basic obstacles which most of us have gone through or are currently going through by being able to inculcate ‘The Passive Income Revolution Theory’ in their lives.
About Author
After spending over a decade in the financial industry in India and abroad, Arpit Arora realised that money is the biggest worry of most of the people, irrespective of their age. Through his startup, he now empowers individuals to get started on their journey towards creating passive income from their existing wealth.
(For more information on his webinars, please visit