Meditations: How To Invoke The Power of Affirmations For Healing


By Manisha Udeshi

Are you willing to accept change? Are you ready to create the change that you want in your lives?

Then be ready to create a new life with ease, grace and joy by applying these affirmations.

As Louise Hay, whom I call the godmother of healing says,“every thought you think and every word you say is your affirmation.”

So let us create a wonderful Life with the use of these positive statements.

Also remember all that what we are dealing with, is a thought and a thought can be changed.Let us get on the journey to create a peaceful new positive and healthy life.

Say each affirmation 21 times and 3 times in a day.

1) I approve of myself.
(Go to the mirror, look into your eyes and say the above statement.)
2) I am responsible for my experiences.
3) My thoughts create my future.
4) I am filled with energy and enthusiasm.
5) I allow life to flow through me.

Points to Note while affirming:
• observe how you feel when writing or saying these affirmations.
• what emotions did you feel?
• did you feel good, sad, low, happy?
• if not what else did you feel?

Are you aware of your feelings now? Are you present to yourself? Let us move on to some more affirmations:

1) I see myself with eyes of love and I’m safe.
2 )I restore and maintain my body at optimum health.
3) Good health is mine now, I release the past.
4) I allow life myself to prosper.
5) I no longer criticize myself; my mind is at peace, and all is well.

Say or write these affirmations with awareness. When you work with awareness you feel the emotions and feelings and you experience yourself.

Let me know what you are feeling and what comes up. Let us love and appreciate our inner child.

We all have an inner child who is lost, lonely and rejected? We need to heal all part of ourselves to be whole and complete.

If you can find a photo of yourself as a child. Study it closely and note down what do you see? What do you feel and what would you want to convey to the child?

Affirmations for your inner child:

  1. I am at peace.
  2. I am loved and safe wherever I go.
  3. It is safe to express my feelings.
  4. My inner vision is clear and unclouded.
  5. I am worthy of joy and love.

Have a very happy conversation with your inner child and embrace it and safely tuck it into your heart.

Do you feel empowered and in control of yourself?

Let’s go ahead and release some anger and fears:

  1. I express my anger in appropriate places and ways.
  2. Healthy expressions of anger keep me healthy.
  3. I allow myself freedom with all my emotions, including anger.
  4. My opinions are valued.
  5. I give myself permission to acknowledge my feelings.

Go ahead write or say these affirmations and see the difference in your attitude towards self and others.

When you take each set of an affirmation, and repeat it continuously it changes your perception and brings a new perspective to your thought patterns creating a more peaceful and happy life.

A single bit of doubt may not allow easy, manifestation.

Follow these affirmations and view your life change for good. Any guidance do feel free to connect.

About Author:

Manisha Udeshi is a Holistic Healer and a Wellness Coach. With over nine years of experience, she is a Theta healer, in addition to being an Access Bar practitioner. Her experience @ Ahem Creations in counselling and coaching has helped many in managing stress, healing relationships, overcoming physical ailments, manifesting dreams and attracting financial abundance.

(You may connect with author at To stay connected and for your daily dose of positivity – follow her on –Instagram: