How To Make Your Startup Survive The Corona Virus Onslaught

By Major Sunil Shetty, SM (Retd), CEO at Unprecedented times demand 'out of the ordinary' response. As over a Billion, Indians brace up for...

Startup Founders : Your Ego Must Go?

By Pramod Chandrayan Being alive in this 21st century is a blessing in terms of opportunity and scale one wants to attain in his personal and...

Don’t Live For The Moment. Live For The Legacy.

Author: Brianna Wiest You don’t control the outcomes of your life, principles do. Benjamin Hardy says that our lives are governed by objective principles: if you drop a...

Sink or swim: why bootstrapping will make you a better entrepreneur

By Aytekin Tank Back in 2005, I had a predictable routine. I’d get up early, leave my apartment in Brooklyn Heights and tote my laptop to the...

5-Hour Rule: Why you Should Spend Time Learning

By Michiel Mulders Michael Simmons wrote a great article about the importance of intellectual capital. We fully agree on his opinion and added our comments to the original...

How to read your way to becoming a better developer

By nolan grace If you want to get better at programming, there are two things you need to do: Write Code and Read Everything! I have been writing software for...

Stories Behind 13 Top Apps and why they became popular

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? For 84% of smartphone owners, it’s firing up their favorite smartphone app....

BOOK SUMMARY: 10 Key Lessons From ‘Zero To One’ By Peter Thiel

In "Zero to One," Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir Technologies, argues that the key to building a successful business is to create...

How You Can Change Yourself By Modifying Your Handwriting

By Vinit Bansode To the untrained eye, a piece of paper with some note scribbled on it may seem to be innocuous and only the...

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing WFM Across Industries

AI is revolutionizing workforce management by introducing automation, predictive analytics, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. Workforce management (WFM) refers to the processes and systems that a...

Nobody likes using technology

By Paras Chopra If you are an engineer, the title of this article may shock (or even offend) you. But if I rephrase, I’ll merely state...

A Complete Guide To Livestreaming Strategy For Your Brand

With the advancement of technology and the availability of high-speed internet, livestreaming has become a popular way for people to connect with their audience...

VIRTUAL TEAMS: Top 12 Strategies To Excel As A Remote Worker

As we navigate through the post-pandemic landscape, remote work has emerged as a prevalent and enduring aspect of the modern workforce. In this new...

Learn The Art of Journaling & Achieving Your Goals

By Benjamin P Hardy Of all the things that have been helpful to me in personal growth and goal achievement, using my journal daily is at...

A Moonshot Game: Adventures Of A VC In The Indian Startup Ecosystem

India's start-up revolution began in 1998, when the first venture capitalists (VCs) arrived from the US and backed early businesses in IT services for...

Have a Dream? Here Are 5 Actionable Steps You Can Take to Make It...

How many times have you watched that documentary on your favorite artist? How many times have you listened to that inspirational podcast? How many times have...