How this Entrepreneur Changed His Life and Built his 25 Million Person Social Media...

Author: Josue Arteaga Countless phone and computer applications guarantee an increase in followers in no time, just like pages and posts guarantee followers in exchange for...

Exiting Your Startup: The Grand Finale

Author: Carter & Courtney Reum In order to exit your company successfully, you must follow these simple steps. Your company has finally achieved success. You’re finally looking to cash...

“Be Prepared To Compete With The Very Best And Biggest Companies For Talent” 5...

Author: Yitzi Weiner “Building a solid product generally takes two to three times as much time and effort as you initially expect. This is particularly true...

5 reasons you won’t get funded that aren’t your fault

Author: Founder Collective Entrepreneurs pitching venture capitalists have access to an endless stream of advice on tweaks that can be made to their decks, strategies they...

Why side projects are so damn important

Author: Jake Prins Trello, Craigslist, Unsplash, AppSumo, Twitter, Gmail… what do all these successful companies have in common? Yes, they can all trace their humble beginnings back...

Charles Bukowski: How to Stand out in a Noisy World

Author: Zat Rana “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” It’s a line only...

How to build a startup — without quitting your day job

Author: Aytekin Tank Question: What do Craigslist and Albert Einstein have in common? Answer: Their big idea started as a side project. 1905. Albert Einstein worked six days a week full-time...

How To Figure Out The Next Big Move In Your Life Journey

Author: Darius Foroux Life is complex. One day you’re happy, working on your daily tasks, and the next day you wake up, thinking: “What the fuck...

When Ambition Leads to Failure

Author: Nathan Kontny Someone asked me the other day what personality trait I had that’s responsible for the success I’ve had in life. There’s two things to that...

Beyond The Entrepreneur, What Does It Take?

Author by: Vinod Khosla So imagine the possible in the many of the areas of interest and let’s imagine the axes and tools of innovation. The...

Hire slowly, grow slowly: how we grew from 1 to 100 employees

Author by: Aytekin Tank I shut down my computer and glanced at my desk calendar. It was January 23, 2011. My company, JotForm, was five years old. We had...

Why Buying a Stalled Startup is Better than Starting From Scratch (Now)

Author by: djhersh After a long stretch in the venture-backed startup world, I eased out a few years ago to work on turnarounds — finding stalled companies and...

My Journey Into Data Science

Author by: Rosebud Anwuri. Quite a number of people have asked me about my switch from Chemical Engineering to Data Science. How did I do it?...

How To Get Your Boss, Company, And Clients Addicted To Your Work

Authored By: Josh Spector Six ways to make yourself irreplaceable. Lots of people are good at their job. But many of those same people ultimately lose their job. That’s...

The Power of Decision

Author: Anthony Vicino “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu For a long time I thought I understood this quote. It’s so...

What You Do After Work Determines Your Future!

Author: Thomas Oppong The time before you go to bed is golden, as it exists every single day, and it’s usually completely yours to schedule. What do...