
Are You Being Exploited With A Catch-22 Paradox?

Seldom are some novels written that exploit the plot of a war to explain the various paradoxes with which human beings live their lives....

Failure, Peace and Purpose in The Last Jedi

BY Laurel Carney The following contains major spoilers for The Last Jedi. I am grateful to have been a child the first time I watched Star Wars. As an...

Your Ultimate Guide For Waking Up Early

By Zdravko Cvijeti “To snooze or not to snooze that is the question” — Everyone It took me five years of researching, experimenting, and a lot of...

[NEW YEAR GOALS]: 50 Ways To Live Life On Your Own Terms

By Benjamin P Hardy 1. Stop depending on caffeine Although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don’t. Actually, we’ve become so dependent...

Want To Become A Multi-Millionaire? Do These 15 Things Immediately

By Benjamin Hardy “The greatest reward in becoming a millionaire is not the amount of money that you earn. It is the kind of person that...

[HRM Tips]: 65 Practical Employee Engagement Ideas for 2021

It is a proven fact that employee engagement provides more profitability to the organization and higher retention rates. The organization that performs employee engagement activities...

When Ambition Leads to Failure

Author: Nathan Kontny Someone asked me the other day what personality trait I had that’s responsible for the success I’ve had in life. There’s two things to that...

Top Factors To Consider When Deciding A Budget For Your Website

Your business website is an online storefront where users can digitally access your products and services. It is quite similar to a software app...

44 Important Truths To Remember While Creating A Bigger Future

By Benjamin Hardy There are some important truths to remember while creating a life you want. Here is a list of important things to remember...

I quit my job and I have one year to get to profitability

By Andrey Azimov I have a dream I want to ship products and earn $1,000 a month doing it. Why $1,000? I’m currently living in Bali, where I can...
steve jobs business tips

SUCCESS ADVICE10 Great Business Lessons From Steve Jobs, The Founder Of Apple

The announcement of Steve Jobs’ decision to quit as CEO of Apple may, on reflection, not be entirely unexpected, but it draws to a close one of...

Things are going so well we’re doing a hiring freeze

Author: DHH Business has never been better at Basecamp. Despite all the competition, all the noise, and all the changes since we launched 14 years ago, 2017...

Life Hacks: 8 Habits That Separate Boys from Grounded Men

By Andrew Ferebee  It’s time to learn how to grow up and become the man you were born to be. And this article will help you with...

Looking for freedom? Here are 7 Freelance Tips  for a successful career!

By Neil McBean Becoming a freelancer sounds great. You have the freedom to set your own hours, you can work from wherever you like, and and...

The Purpose Of Life Is A Life Of Purpose.

Author: Philomon Sylvester The importance of a purpose. When there are feelings, and convictions, the great thing is to gather them all up to some distinct object....

Why side projects are so damn important

Author: Jake Prins Trello, Craigslist, Unsplash, AppSumo, Twitter, Gmail… what do all these successful companies have in common? Yes, they can all trace their humble beginnings back...