Willpower Doesn’t Work. Here’s How to Actually Change Your Life.

By Benjamin P. Hardy “Many people think that what the addict needs is willpower, but nothing could be further from the truth.” — Arnold M. Washton, Ph.D. This article...

Why customer service is the new marketing

And how to build a superstar customer support team By Aytekin Tank Out of every 10,000 companies that claim they offer ‘a superior customer experience’, only 100 or so are...

The Single Best Advice I Was Ever Given As A Founder

By Nicolas Cole Dedicated to: Ron Gibori “When everyone is rattled by the storm, you have to bring the calm.” I will never forget the morning I met my...

The only problem with most startups is that ironically, they don’t really start.

The price of being too obsessed with your idea is progress. By ClosingPage The entrepreneur turned Lean Startup pioneer Eric Ries had some hard hitting advice for startups...

You Make Or Break Your Life Between 5-7 AM

By Benjamin P. Hardy While serving a humanitarian and ecclesiastical mission at the age of 20, I learned potentially the most important lesson of my life. How...

How much should you pay yourself as an entrepreneur?

By Roland Hanekroot And why does it matter so much to your business? So you’ve run your business for a while and you pay your staff a...

It Is Good To Startup But It Is Wise To See If You Can...

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what...

If It Doesn’t Suck, It’s Not Worth Doing

YOUR SUCCESS MANTRA FOR 2018. According to psychological research, the anticipation of an event is almost always more emotionally powerful than the event itself. The dread of asking your...

How I learned to stop worrying about my sales funnel (and embraced the unpredictable)

You or I could go to any marketing conference, anywhere in the world, and we’d hear about sales funnels. How to build them, how to...

Have a Dream? Here Are 5 Actionable Steps You Can Take to Make It...

How many times have you watched that documentary on your favorite artist? How many times have you listened to that inspirational podcast? How many times have...

Why Lawyers Don’t Run Startups

Startups need to have a great lawyer, accountant, patent attorney, etc. But founders need to know how to ask for their advice and when...

The rich get richer.

I anticipate that over the next decade we will see an already alarming gap between the rich and the poor in the United States...

How Education Can Change—And is Changing—The World: With Leanne Huebner

By Yitzi Weiner and Casmin Wisner “Low-income communities bear the brunt of society’s toughest challenges. But these communities still need to educate their stars, and...

A guide to Minimalist Web Design

First I admit that I am not a web designer, but a design lover, and what you are going to read are not my...

11 Ideas That Will Rewire Your Brain

The term rewiring your brain has become a psychological revolution in recent times. We now know that you can literally rewire your brain by...

I Quit my Job …. Started my Startup and then Ruined my Life…

Corporate Job are Good…Startups are Better ….But Working For Yourself is the Best…. I was working for one of the top banking firms… A banking life where...