Facebook is done with quality journalism. Deal with it.

Author: Frederic Filloux For Facebook, journalism has been a pain in the neck from day one. Now, bogged down with the insoluble problems of fake news...

Learning To Say No To A Few Customers Might Save Your Startup

By Hari Julka Every business has customers who will like to lynch you to the last penny. Or even rich customers whom you don’t like...

The 3 Data Streams That Every Founder Needs

By steve blank Why “just asking customers” isn’t enough Gathering real-world feedback from customers is a core concept of Customer Development as well as the Lean Startup. But what information...

When Ambition Leads to Failure

Author: Nathan Kontny Someone asked me the other day what personality trait I had that’s responsible for the success I’ve had in life. There’s two things to that...

Are You Working on a Side Project or a Startup?

David Frankel, Managing Partner Not every tech product or service should be a business, an even smaller set should be venture-backed startups, and plenty of...

The Results of Google’s Team-Effectiveness Research Will Make You Rethink How You Build Teams

By Larry Kim It’s no surprise that Google, now part of Alphabet, loves data, and the company’s execs frequently share the revelations they find, such as their...

10 Retirement Building Blocks for a Long, Financially Strong Life

By Jerry Golden In a world where political ideas come and go, trends surge and falter, revolutions bloom and then fade, a few foundational concepts...

Your Ultimate Guide For Waking Up Early

By Zdravko Cvijeti “To snooze or not to snooze that is the question” — Everyone It took me five years of researching, experimenting, and a lot of...

Charles Bukowski: How to Stand out in a Noisy World

Author: Zat Rana “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” It’s a line only...

How To Turn Alarm Clock Into A Positive Trigger For Your Brain

By Benjamin Hardy You can wake up first thing in the morning with excitement. You can hear that alarm, get up, and your mind is...

Things are going so well we’re doing a hiring freeze

Author: DHH Business has never been better at Basecamp. Despite all the competition, all the noise, and all the changes since we launched 14 years ago, 2017...

3 Reasons Why The Journey Of Achieving Your Goals Can Be More Rewarding

By Tony Fahkry What Constitutes Fulfilling Goals “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” — Ernest...

Building a Truly Successful Personal Brand Takes Vulnerability

Author: Nicolas Cole When people think of a Personal Brand, do you know what they think of? They imagine that Instagrammer they follow, a very attractive girl, who posts...

The Limits of Loyalty: When Habits Change, You’re Toast

Author: Nir Eyal “I’m endlessly loyal,” my wife said, staring straight into my eyes. But she wasn’t talking about our marriage — she was pledging her allegiance to...

I Don’t Want To Be Elon Musk or Steve Jobs

By William Frazier Here Comes the Angry Mob of Startup Bros I fully understand and support the idea of mentorship. When you identify someone who knows something you don’t...

Beyond The Entrepreneur, What Does It Take?

Author by: Vinod Khosla So imagine the possible in the many of the areas of interest and let’s imagine the axes and tools of innovation. The...