So you’re a feminist who works at Uber?

Author: Robin Tolochko On December 31, 2013, I was in an Uber in Bogota, Colombia, 6 cm dilated and in active labor. As we drove towards...

How I Got Paid $0 From the Uber Security Bug Bounty

Author: Gregory Perry So Uber partners with HackerOne to offer a public bug bounty program, advertising a $500 minimum guaranteed payout if a security vulnerability is found within...

Why Uber, Lyft and Didi won’t dominate urban mobility (but who might)

Author: Greger Ottosson If you’re into business strategy or product management, even if in a different industry, urban mobility is a market you should follow in...

How uber was made

Author by: Dmytro Brovkin Uber has transformed the world. Indeed, its inconceivable to think of a world without the convenience of the innovative ride sharing service....

I am an Uber survivor.

Author by: Amy Vertino When I read Susan Fowler’s story, my blood boiled. I am not able to sleep. My friends kept sending me updates on...