All Startup’s have competition: Startup Survival Guide

By Jayson Dombele Today, everyone i’m introducing a new series for the next couple days that will major in creating, protecting, securing startups in a way...

One Practice Startup Founders Hate

By Burak Bilgin This practice can make the difference between success and failure in your startup and in your life. Masterminding is forming a group of people...

5-Hour Rule: Why you Should Spend Time Learning

By Michiel Mulders Michael Simmons wrote a great article about the importance of intellectual capital. We fully agree on his opinion and added our comments to the original...

I quit my job and I have one year to get to profitability

By Andrey Azimov I have a dream I want to ship products and earn $1,000 a month doing it. Why $1,000? I’m currently living in Bali, where I can...

I Don’t Want To Be Elon Musk or Steve Jobs

By William Frazier Here Comes the Angry Mob of Startup Bros I fully understand and support the idea of mentorship. When you identify someone who knows something you don’t...

How to make competitive intelligence your competitive advantage

By Justin Lee I stared at the sea of snow around me. White as far as the eye could reach. A blank, empty landscape. It was exhilarating...

The 3 Data Streams That Every Founder Needs

By steve blank Why “just asking customers” isn’t enough Gathering real-world feedback from customers is a core concept of Customer Development as well as the Lean Startup. But what information...

Sink or swim: why bootstrapping will make you a better entrepreneur

By Aytekin Tank Back in 2005, I had a predictable routine. I’d get up early, leave my apartment in Brooklyn Heights and tote my laptop to the...

To Overcome the Fear of Failure, Fear This Instead

By Adam Grant If you do the math, becoming an entrepreneur is insane. The odds of success are tiny; failure is almost guaranteed. To make the...

Failure, Peace and Purpose in The Last Jedi

BY Laurel Carney The following contains major spoilers for The Last Jedi. I am grateful to have been a child the first time I watched Star Wars. As an...

How you can disguise pain as pleasure to achieve success!

By Charles Chu Addicted to Failure: Three Billionaires on How to Win the Game of Life Not a lot of people know about Ray Dalio, and he prefers...

Forget The Elevator Pitch. Here’s Why Every Startup Needs A Teaser Instead

By Todd Belveal The startup ecosystem has people fixated on this idea of the elevator pitch. To be honest, I’ve never heard of anybody doing a deal...

Never underestimate your first idea

By Reid Hoffman Over the last year, I’ve had the chance to sit down with dozens of founders as host of the Masters of Scale podcast. Through these...

The Next Generation of IT Service Providers

By Anadea IT outsourcing is one of the most commonly-used strategies by which technology-driven businesses control operating costs without sacrificing the quality of their core product. “Why...

How UX Can Grow Your Business

By Vinicius Brasil Do you know how Airbnb trumped hotels and WhatsApp became the top-1 mobile app in Latin America just focusing on the user? User Experience is...

The Results of Google’s Team-Effectiveness Research Will Make You Rethink How You Build Teams

By Larry Kim It’s no surprise that Google, now part of Alphabet, loves data, and the company’s execs frequently share the revelations they find, such as their...