How I Write 3–4 Articles Per Week, Every Week.

By Tim Denning Many of you are amazed at how much content I publish every month. I wanted to take you behind the scenes as once...

The Only Really Important Question Any Writer Has to Answer

By Frank McKinley It’s so important, answering it will determine your destiny as a writer. Yesterday I saw that starting a publication on Medium is a lot easier...

Don’t Compete. Create!

By Darius Foroux If you think that you have to compete for better jobs or more market share, you’re as wrong as I was. The idea of competition is...

A Buddhist Monk’s Take on Business

By Burak Bilgin Today’s post will be about a different approach to business and life. It will be about the work of a Buddhist monk /...

91 Global Startups Are Now Unicorns Worth $1 Billion or More

By Larry Kim More companies outside of the U.S. are reaching unicorn status at a quicker pace than ever before. Membership in the Unicorn Club is exploding....

Free Content Is a Service, and We Should Tip Like It

A proposal for compensating the creators who make the internet great ow many corporations do you think have made a profit by using the term “on...

25 Interview Questions Founders Should Ask Before Hiring anyone in his Team…

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” — Jim Collins Amazing Teams can win you over all the Situations… Just think ..You’re going to be spending a lot of...

Willpower Doesn’t Work. Here’s How to Actually Change Your Life.

By Benjamin P. Hardy “Many people think that what the addict needs is willpower, but nothing could be further from the truth.” — Arnold M. Washton, Ph.D. This article...

Don’t quit your job yet: how to lay the foundation for a successful startup

By Aytekin Tank Humans are wired to love a good before-and-after story. We crave transformation, whether it’s fixing up an old house or turning a clever idea...

Why customer service is the new marketing

And how to build a superstar customer support team By Aytekin Tank Out of every 10,000 companies that claim they offer ‘a superior customer experience’, only 100 or so are...

What Having A Job Taught Me About Success

By Tim Denning Take a step back and think about a time you had a job or a job you have right now. Have you ever...

The Single Best Advice I Was Ever Given As A Founder

By Nicolas Cole Dedicated to: Ron Gibori “When everyone is rattled by the storm, you have to bring the calm.” I will never forget the morning I met my...

The only problem with most startups is that ironically, they don’t really start.

The price of being too obsessed with your idea is progress. By ClosingPage The entrepreneur turned Lean Startup pioneer Eric Ries had some hard hitting advice for startups...

How much should you pay yourself as an entrepreneur?

By Roland Hanekroot And why does it matter so much to your business? So you’ve run your business for a while and you pay your staff a...

It Is Good To Startup But It Is Wise To See If You Can...

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what...

How I made $200,000 when I was 16 years old

By Rodney Gainous Jr About three years ago, I published a story about how the Twitter app I built in high school, Follow, reached 150,000 downloads in two years....